When the song begins and you follow the lyrics, you are certain about one thing – this is a song that praises the Almighty God and thanks him for his blessings on mankind. Most part of the song has been sung in the native language. This makes it difficult for me to understand the meaning behind the lyrics. However, leaving the lyrics behind and concentrating on the music, it is quite engaging as it sounds serene. Added to that is Star David himself adding some moves to go in sync with the rhythm of the song. His song gives you the vibe of religious music as well as the energy with which Star David jams it up.

Star David is a popular Jamaican singer who has several music names to be proud of in his list Some of the names include —

  • Flying Bird
  • Level UP ft Sarge
  • Shout ft Sarge
  • Gyansta ft Sarge and Savage

These are some of the songs to name a few. There are many other songs sung by David Star. Click on the link below to listen to Jah Alone.

YouTube link:


ITunes link:


To learn more about Star David or the new song Jah Alone, follow the social media pages as listen below —



